Safe Church Policy
Safe Church Policies have become standard and expected for churches of all denominations across our country. We have taken every step we can to make sure our church home is an accessible and safe place for all who come through our doors.
Our Denomination
FCC is part of a denomination called the United Church of Christ (UCC), which was founded in 1957 but traces its roots all the way back to the English Reformation in the 16th century. Our founders believed that, rather than depending on a large hierarchical structure, as some denominations do, the authority over the affairs of each individual church should be the responsibility of the voting membership of that church. We call this “local autonomy.” It is where the name “Congregational” first came from, and it is a hallmark of the way our life together is structured.
The United Church of Christ was formed from four different prior denominations: Congregational, Christian, Evangelical and Reformed. It is a voluntary gathering of churches that have each voted themselves into the UCC, and understand themselves as “in covenant” with one another. We honor our covenant with the UCC partly because we know our churches can accomplish more together than they can separately, and partly because we are moved by the vision found in the gospel of John, chapter 17, verse 21: “That they may all be one,” which is our denomination’s motto.
As part of the organizational structure of the UCC, our church belongs to the Hillsborough Association, and our association is part of the New Hampshire Conference. The purpose of both the Conference and the Association is to support, challenge and strengthen local churches, bringing them together in community and mission and in relation to the larger church and society.
If you would like more information about the New Hampshire Conference of the UCC, you are invited to subscribe to the NHCUCC Newsletter by clicking on