Children and Youth
We warmly invite you and your children to join us for Sunday Friends! This is a time during worship when children can come together for spiritual lessons, activities and games. Sunday Friends welcomes youth from kindergarten through seventh grade in our large recreational room.
Our Sunday Friends program focuses on how Jesus’ teachings of kindness, compassion, inclusion and peace have a profound impact on our lives and builds a stronger sense of community, promoting empathy, understanding, and harmony among us all.
Child care for infants and toddlers is provided on Sunday mornings from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Our well-equipped child-care room is located next to Sunday Friends. A changing table is available in the nursery along with the children’s restrooms. We use a sign in and sign out system for the safety of our child care visitors.
Please feel free to contact Kelda York, Children’s Ministry Coordinator, with any questions. On Sunday mornings, feel free to ask an Usher or Greeter to introduce you to her prior to the start of the worship service.
Kelda York, Children’s Ministry Coordinator