In-Person Worship
Every Sunday at 10 am, we gather at FCC to worship as a beloved community. Below are some FAQs about what to expect when attending an in-person worship experience.
We hope you will join us!
Where do I Park?
FCC is located at the corner of Hanover and Union Streets in Manchester, NH. There is parking on Sunday mornings and evenings just north of the church on Union Street in the adjacent parking lot. Additional spaces are available in front of the church on Union Street and in our small parking area along the church driveway.
What Happens during the Worship Service?
As you enter the church you will be welcomed by a friendly greeter. You will then enter the sanctuary where an usher will give you a Sunday Bulletin with a printed order of the worship service.
Worship services feature readings from the Bible, preaching, prayer, and music. Children are invited to be with their parent(s) at the start of worship. After the Musical Offering, they may proceed to the basement rec. room for their Sunday Friends class.
Is the Church Handicap Accessible?
FCC is accessible for the disabled through the ramp door on the Amherst Street side of the building. There is also an elevator that serves all floor levels. A handicap accessible restroom is located on the main floor. In addition, we provide large print bulletins and wireless hearing assistance devices for those who may wish to use them. The church driveway has reserved handicapped parking. Please ask our ushers to assist you with any of these services.
Do I have to Give Money?
An offering will be received during our service to support the church and its various ministries. We welcome any and all gifts from those who are able to contribute, but please do not feel obligated to put anything in the offering plate.
What Happens After Worship?
Following worship all are invited to Fellowship Hour where you can meet others and enjoy coffee, punch and refreshments. This gathering is located in the dining room on the lower level of the church. You can take any stairwell from the sanctuary exits to get to the dining room, and an elevator to the lower level is also available. During the summer months, often there will be punch and snack in the Parlor.
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