Continuing the Conversation
with Rev. Randy VanDeventer
Randy will join us during worship and for an after worship Conversation on Sunday, April 14 at 11:30 am in the Recreation Room. His focus will be on those who struggle with mental illness. When Randy preached at FCC in August 2023, he shared a story about Jesus that is relatable – where Jesus was learning, reflecting, and experiencing a time of growth in dealing with someone on the margins of society. We can relate – as we deal with our own discomfort, fears, and worries about mental illness that we encounter in our families, with our friends, and in the community.
Randy is an ordained UCC pastor and serves as Chaplain at NH Hospital, an acute psychiatric care facility. As with previous Conversations, he will offer a short presentation, followed by a time for Questions & Answers
and discussion. Once again, the Open and Affirming Committee will offer a light luncheon during our time
of Conversation. To help with luncheon planning, a sign-up sheet is posted on the office window. Everyone is invited to join us on April 14h, whether you’ve signed up or not.
If you would like to join us via Zoom, copy and paste this link in your web browser: